Wednesday, May 21, 2008

cal poly procrastination

CalPoly Paper
I think this essay had a lot of valid points. To begin with, I found myself possessing two of the characteristics that are correlated with procrastination. This helps me isolate my problem area’s and focus on them next time I am faced with a task (my characteristics that make me victim to procrastination are my stubbornness and coping with pressures). I also identified why I often procrastinate. I singled out the reason: time-consuming. I am never fearful that the project will be too difficult, that I am not smart enough to complete it, or that other’s will laugh at my mistakes. My only reason for procrastination is thinking in my head that the project is going to take a lot of time, and as a result I begin to feel overwhelmed. This is usually the point which I decide that procrastinating would ease stress levels and I could have more enjoyment pursuing something else. I think another small problem with me is that when doing large projects, I do attempt to perfect my work. This means that I am often dissatisfied with the “finished” product, which eventually goes through a series of extensive revisions before being submitted. This means a lot of extra time spent on a product that is only marginally better than its predacessor. This may not be worth it, and I may want to reconsider the amount of time spent revising.
On a side note, I tried out the exercise involving listing the reasons why I am procrastinating a particular project, and was almost immediately overwhelmed by all of the reasons I had! I never knew I had so many excuses to put off a project until I wrote them down and made myself conscious of them. I think this is again a great way to realize that my reasons for procrastinating are trivial and can always be overcome with a little bit of determination and perseverance.

1 comment:

Scott Lankford said...

13 points. "I think this is again a great way to realize that my reasons for procrastinating are trivial and can always be overcome with a little bit of determination and perseverance." That was the point of this assignment :)